2020 - Supporting The Racial Equity and Inclusion Fund of Utah

$2,321 raised for The Racial Equity and Inclusion Fund of Utah


We need not remind anyone how challenging 2020 was. But the challenges were not equal for everyone. Those deemed "essential workers" were often individuals from lower economic communities. We were inspired the state of Utah's Division of Multicultural Affairs who set up a fund to alleviate racial inequality and provide relief for those who have been disproportionally affected by COVID-19.

We launched the campaign and despite a slow start, donations picked up. Coming into the last hours of the campaign, we were $75 short of $2,000. A final post on FB asking to help us get over the $2,000 line resulted in a ground swell of supporters to raise "$2020 to make 2020 better."

In the end we set another record of donations directed to our selected organization ($2,321) and a record number of donors (32).

Project firsts:

  • Harward Farms donated peaches to help make the pies.
  • New record for number of donors: 32

Making pies Making pies

Pie ingredients Pie ingredients

Pies ready to be delivered Pies ready to be delivered

Delivering pies

Pies ready to be delivered

Pies ready to be delivered Pies being delivered