· campaign · 2 min read

2019 - Supporting RAICES

$1,341 raised for RAICES

$1,341 raised for RAICES

2019 was our third campaign, having skipped 2018 due to a move. The Trump administration began a policy of family separation at the southern border to discourage migrants and asylum seekers. Many Americans, including the Gardner family, viewed this policy as cruel and contrary to our national values. While not all those who enter the US were legitimate asylum seekers, we felt they deserved competent legal advice to navigate the legal system to make their case. The kids picked RAICES, an organization that “promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to under-served immigrant children, families, and refugees.”

This was the year things took off for the Peach Pie Project. The Project gave people a way to channel their outrage to a cause that could make a difference. The previous years, we made less than 20 pies per year, but now we 46 pies to make and deliver to 26 donors. We raised $1,341 that year - twice what previous years had raised.

Project firsts:

  • Set a new record for number of pies made: 46
  • Set a new record for donations made: $1,341
Pie ingredients Pie ingredients So many peaches So many peaches So many peaches Caylee planning the delivery logistics


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